Goldendoodle Crate Training: The Do’s And Don’ts

Are you struggling with potty training your Goldendoodle? Do you want to create a safe and secure space for your furry friend? If so, crate training might be the solution you’ve been searching for. But how do you do it effectively? And what are the common mistakes to avoid? Read on to discover the do’s and don’ts of Goldendoodle crate training.

  • Choosing the correct crate size is crucial for successful crate training.
  • Start the crate training process early and be consistent with your approach.
  • Make the crate a comfortable and inviting space for your Goldendoodle.
  • Establish a schedule that aligns with your daily routine.
  • Remember that crate training can help with potty training and create a sense of security for your Goldendoodle.

Table of Contents

The Benefits of Goldendoodle Crate Training

Crate training is beneficial not only for Goldendoodles but also for their owners. It is a valuable tool for your Goldendoodle’s development and well-being. Here are some of the critical benefits of crate training:

  1. Potty Training:

    Crate training helps teach your Goldendoodle to hold its bladder and bowels, promoting successful potty training. When confined to their crate, they are less likely to have accidents indoors, encouraging them to develop bladder and bowel control.

  2. Safe Space:

    The crate provides a safe and secure space for your Goldendoodle to retreat to when they need some alone time or a break from the hustle and bustle of the household. It becomes their sanctuary, where they can relax, unwind, and recharge.

  3. Preventing Destructive Behavior:

    Crate training can help prevent destructive behaviors such as excessive chewing, scratching furniture, or rummaging through the trash. By confining your Goldendoodle to its crate during unsupervised periods, you can minimize the risk of them engaging in these behaviors.

  4. Sense of Security:

    A properly crate-trained goldendoodle feels secure and comfortable in its crate. It becomes their den, mimicking the natural den-like instincts inherited from their ancestors. This sense of security can positively impact their overall well-being and reduce anxiety.

When crate training is implemented correctly, it contributes to developing a happy, confident, and well-adjusted goldendoodle. By focusing on positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience, you can help your furry friend embrace the crate as a positive and beneficial part of their life.

goldendoodle puppy crate training

Remember, every goldendoodle is unique, so adapt the crate training approach to suit your dog’s needs. You can make the crate a welcoming and enjoyable space for your beloved goldendoodle with the proper techniques and tools.

Choosing the Right Crate Size for Your Goldendoodle

Selecting the correct crate size is crucial for successful crate training. For Goldendoodle puppies, it’s recommended to use a crate with a divider. This allows you to adjust the size as your puppy grows.

It’s essential to provide enough space for them to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, but not too much room for them to create a potty corner.

The recommended crate sizes for Goldendoodles are:

  • 24″ for petite goldendoodles
  • 30″ for mini goldendoodles
  • 36-42″ for medium and standard Goldendoodles

Choosing the correct crate size ensures that your Doodle Dog has enough room to move comfortably while discouraging accidents. The divider is handy for Goldendoodle puppies, allowing you to adjust the size as they grow. Remember to select a crate that is spacious enough for your Goldendoodle’s current size but not too large to encourage potty accidents. You can create a comfortable and secure space for your Goldendoodle during crate training by providing the appropriate crate size.

goldendoodle crate training

Essential Steps in Crate Training Your Goldendoodle

The key to successful crate training is to start early and be consistent. Crate training provides a safe and comfortable space for your Goldendoodle, helping them feel secure and establishing good behavior patterns. Follow these essential steps to ensure practical crate training for your furry friend.

Create a Positive Environment

Make the crate an inviting and cozy place for your Goldendoodle. Add their favorite toys, a soft blanket, and comfort items to make it feel like their own personal den. This will help them associate the crate with positive experiences and make it a place they enjoy spending time in.

Use Rewards and Positive Reinforcement

Encourage your Goldendoodle to enter the crate by using treats and praise as rewards. When they voluntarily enter the crate, please give them a treat and lavish them with praise. This will help create a positive association with the crate and motivate them to join willingly.

Start with Short Periods

Begin by creating your Goldendoodle for short periods, gradually increasing the duration as they become more comfortable. Start with a few minutes and gradually extend the time to an hour or more. This gradual progression will help your Goldendoodle adjust to being in the crate for more prolonged periods without feeling anxious or stressed.

Take Potty Breaks

Always take your Goldendoodle outside to potty before placing it in the crate. This will help prevent accidents and create a routine for your puppy. Additionally, provide regular potty breaks while in the crate to avoid discomfort or accidents.

Avoid Using the Crate as Punishment

Never use the crate as a form of punishment. The crate should be a positive and safe space for your Goldendoodle, not a place of fear or confinement. Using the crate as punishment can create negative associations and hinder the crate training process.

Be Consistent

Consistency is crucial when crate training your Goldendoodle. Stick to a regular schedule for crate time and make sure everyone in the household follows the same routine. Consistency will help your Goldendoodle understand expectations and establish a sense of routine and security.

Patience is Key

Remember that crate training takes time and patience. Do not rush the process or expect immediate results. Each dog is unique; some may take longer to adjust to crate training than others. Stay patient, provide positive reinforcement, and celebrate small victories.

The Benefits of Crate Training

Crate training offers numerous benefits for both you and your Goldendoodle. It helps with potty training, prevents destructive behaviors, and provides a safe space for your furry friend. Following these essential steps can ensure a successful and positive crate training experience for your Goldendoodle.

Tips for Making the Crate Comfortable

To ensure that your Goldendoodle feels safe and content in its crate, there are a few simple steps you can take. Making the crate a comfortable and inviting space will help your furry friend associate it with positivity and relaxation.

First, consider adding a blanket or towel to the crate. This softens the space and provides a cozy spot for your Doodle Dog to rest. The scent of the fabric can also be comforting, making the crate feel familiar and secure.

Additionally, don’t forget to include some toys inside the crate. Toys help keep your Goldendoodle occupied and entertained while in the crate. Be sure to rotate the toys regularly to prevent boredom and keep your pup engaged.

To further encourage your Goldendoodle to embrace the crate, gradually introduce them to it by placing it in an easily accessible area. Allow them to explore the crate at their own pace, and use positive reinforcement such as treats and praise to reward them for entering the crate.

Pro Tip: Be patient throughout the crate training process. Each Goldendoodle is unique and may take different amounts of time to feel comfortable with the crate. Avoid rushing or forcing your pup into the crate; instead, focus on building trust and creating positive associations.

Crate Comfort Tips

1Include a blanket or towel for added comfort and familiarity.
2Rotate toys to prevent boredom and provide mental stimulation.
3Gradually introduce the crate in an accessible area.
4Use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage crate exploration.

Following these tips, you can create a welcoming and comfortable space in its crate for your Goldendoodle. Remember to be patient and consistent and provide plenty of positive reinforcement to ensure a successful crate training journey.

goldendoodle crate training

Establishing a Crate Schedule

Consistency is vital when it comes to Goldendoodle crate training. Establishing a crate schedule can create a sense of predictability and help your Goldendoodle understand when it’s crate time. Start with short periods of crate confinement and gradually increase the duration as your puppy becomes more comfortable.

You must provide regular potty breaks for your Goldendoodle and avoid leaving them in the crate for extended periods. This will ensure that they have the opportunity to relieve themselves and prevent any discomfort or accidents.

To help you get started, here’s an example of a crate schedule for a Goldendoodle puppy:

7:00 AMTake your Goldendoodle outside for a potty break.
7:15 AMProvide breakfast and playtime.
8:00 AMPlace your Goldendoodle in the crate for a short period (10-15 minutes).
8:15 AMTake your Goldendoodle outside for another potty break.
8:30 AMContinue with your daily routine, allowing your Goldendoodle supervised playtime.
10:00 AMPlace your Goldendoodle in the crate for another short period (15-20 minutes).
10:20 AMTake your Goldendoodle outside for a potty break.
10:30 AMResume your activities with your Goldendoodle outside of the crate.
12:00 PMProvide lunch and engage in play or training sessions.
1:00 PMPlace your Goldendoodle in the crate for a nap (1-2 hours).
3:00 PMTake your Goldendoodle outside for a potty break.
3:15 PMResume your activities with your Goldendoodle.
6:00 PMProvide dinner, playtime, and exercise.
8:00 PMPlace your Goldendoodle in the crate for the night, with a potty break before bedtime.

Remember, every Goldendoodle is unique, and you may need to adjust the schedule based on your puppy’s needs. The goal is to provide structure and routine while ensuring your Goldendoodle’s comfort and well-being.

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Potty Training and Crate Training

Potty training is essential to raising a Goldendoodle puppy, and crate training can be valuable. Combining the two will teach your puppy to hold their bladder and bowels, smoother the potty training journey.

When it comes to potty training your Goldendoodle, consistency is critical. Before crating your puppy, take them outside for a potty break. Use a specific cue or command to let them know it’s time to go potty, such as saying “Go potty!” or using a designated phrase. Be patient and give them enough time to do their business.

Once your Goldendoodle successfully leaves the house, give them plenty of praise and positive reinforcement. This will help them associate going potty outside with positive experiences and rewards. By reinforcing the desired behavior, your puppy will understand what is expected of them.

It’s important to note that accidents may happen during the potty training process. If your Goldendoodle has an accident inside, do not scold or punish them. Instead, clean up the mess quietly and continue with the training. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are vital in teaching your puppy proper potty habits.

Tips for Successful Potty Training and Crate Training:

  • Stick to a consistent potty schedule, taking your puppy outside regularly throughout the day.
  • Use a specific cue or command to let your Goldendoodle know it’s time to go potty.
  • Provide ample opportunities for your puppy to eliminate outside and praise them when they do.
  • Never scold or punish your Golden doodle for accidents. Instead, focus on reinforcing positive behaviors.
  • Establish a routine that includes crate time, potty breaks, playtime, and meals.
  • Be patient and persistent. Potty training takes time and consistency, but your goldendoodle will learn quickly with the right approach.

Gradual Introduction to the Crate

A gradual approach is essential for crate training your Doodle Dog. Introducing the crate gradually ensures your furry friend feels comfortable and safe in their new space. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Choose a familiar area: Find a spot in your house where your Goldendoodle already spends time and feels at ease. This could be a corner of the living room or beside their bed.
  2. Leave the door open: Keep the crate door open so your Goldendoodle can explore it quickly. Allow them to go in and out freely, encouraging curiosity.
  3. Use treats and positive reinforcement: Entice your Goldendoodle to enter the crate by placing treats inside. Shower them with praise and encouragement when they venture inside. This positive association will help them associate the crate with something enjoyable.
  4. Establish a command word: Introduce a command word or phrase that signals it’s time to enter the crate. For example, say “Crate time!” or “Go to your crate!” Use this phrase consistently to help your Goldendoodle understand what is expected of them.

Remember, patience and consistency are critical during this process. Avoid rushing your Goldendoodle or forcing them into the crate. With time and positive reinforcement, they will become more comfortable with their crate and see it as their haven.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Crate Training

Regarding Goldendoodle crate training, it’s essential to avoid common mistakes that hinder the training process. By being aware of these pitfalls, you can ensure a successful crate training experience for you and your furry friend.

1. Avoid using the crate as a form of punishment

Using the crate as a form of punishment can create a negative association with it for your Goldendoodle. The crate should be considered a safe and comfortable space, not a place of confinement or discipline. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and rewards when your goldendoodle enters the crate.

2. Never raise your voice or bang on the crate

Yelling or making loud noises near the crate can cause your Goldendoodle to associate negative emotions with it. This can create anxiety and fear, making crate training more challenging. Approach the crate calmly and quietly, using a soothing tone to encourage your goldendoodle to enter.

3. Provide your Goldendoodle with their personal space

Respect your Goldendoodle’s need for privacy by providing them with their own designated space, such as a quiet corner of the house. This will help them feel secure and comfortable outside the crate. Having their own space can also reduce stress and promote relaxation.

4. Watch your puppy closely and crate them when necessary

Supervising and crating your Goldendoodle is essential when you cannot closely monitor them. This is especially crucial during potty training or when your Doodle Dog is high-energy. Crate confinement ensures their safety and prevents any potential accidents or destructive behaviors.

5. Regular and consistent crate sessions

Establish a regular schedule of crate sessions to help your Goldendoodle become comfortable and accepting of crate confinement. This includes both sessions with your presence and sessions where they are alone. Consistency is key in crate training, so stick to a routine that works for you and your goldendoodle.

Common MistakesHow to Avoid Them
Using the crate as punishmentFocusing on positive reinforcement and rewards
Raising your voice or banging on the crateApproaching the crate calmly and quietly
Not providing personal spaceRespecting your Goldendoodle’s need for privacy
Inadequate supervisionWatching your puppy closely and crating when necessary
Inconsistent crate sessionsEstablishing a regular and consistent schedule

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a positive and successful crate training experience for your beloved Goldendoodle.

Trained to the Bell

Teaching your Goldendoodle to associate a bell with going outside can be a helpful tool in crate training. Hang the bell on the door you use to let your puppy out and ring it with their paw every time you take them outside. Use specific cues and commands when they are outside to establish the connection between going potty and the bell. Consistency and positive reinforcement are essential in this process.

Benefits of Using a Bell

Introducing a bell into your Goldendoodle’s crate training routine can offer several benefits. It helps create a transparent communication system for your Doodle Dog as they learn to associate the bell ringing with going outside to relieve themselves. This association can be beneficial when your goldendoodle is in their crate and needs to go potty. The bell serves as a signal for you and your dog, streamlining the potty training process.

How to Teach Your Goldendoodle

To train your Goldendoodle to understand the bell, follow these steps:

  1. Hang the bell near the door you use for bathroom breaks.
  2. Encourage your Goldendoodle to approach the bell by using treats or toys to attract their attention.
  3. When your Goldendoodle touches or rings the bell, immediately open the door and take them outside.
  4. Give your Goldendoodle a specific cue, such as “Go potty,” while they are outside.
  5. Repeat this process consistently every time your Goldendoodle needs to go outside.

With time and repetition, your Goldendoodle will learn to associate the bell ringing with going outside to potty. Soon, they will proactively ring the bell when they need to go outside, effectively communicating their needs to you.

Remember These Tips

Consistency is key: Be consistent in using the bell every time you take your Goldendoodle outside to potty. This helps reinforce the association between the bell and going potty.

Positive reinforcement: Use treats, praise, and encouragement to reward your Goldendoodle for touching or ringing the bell. This positive reinforcement helps strengthen the desired behavior.

Keep the bell accessible: Ensure that the bell is always within your Goldendoodle’s reach. This allows them to easily ring it when they need to go outside.

By incorporating the bell into your Goldendoodle’s crate training routine, you can establish an effective communication system that promotes successful potty training and enhances crate training overall.


Goldendoodle crate training can be a valuable guide in potty training and creating a safe space for your furry friend. By following the dos and don’ts of crate training, providing a comfortable and inviting crate, and being consistent and patient throughout the process, you can ensure a positive and successful crate training experience for your Goldendoodle.

Remember to use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to encourage your Goldendoodle to enter the crate willingly. Avoid using the crate as a punishment and never force your puppy inside. Instead, make the crate a positive and enjoyable space where they feel safe and secure.

Consistency is vital when it comes to crate training. Establish a schedule for crate confinement times and gradually increase the duration. Take your puppy outside for regular potty breaks and associate going potty outside with positive experiences. This will help them understand the purpose of the crate and reinforce good behavior.

In summary, following the Goldendoodle crate training guide, providing a comfortable crate, and being consistent and patient can create a positive association with the crate and help your Goldendoodle become potty trained and well-adjusted. Crate training is an effective tool that can contribute to a harmonious and happy relationship between you and your Goldendoodle.

People Also Ask

What are some common mistakes to avoid in Goldendoodle crate training?

Some common mistakes to avoid in Goldendoodle crate training include using a crate that is too large, forcing your puppy into the crate yelling at them while inside, and using the crate as a form of punishment. Additionally, it’s essential not to leave your puppy inside the crate for extended periods.

What are the benefits of crate training for Goldendoodles?

Crate training offers several benefits for Goldendoodles, including aiding in potty training, providing a safe space to retreat to, preventing destructive behaviors, and creating a sense of security for your Goldendoodle. When done correctly, it can lead to a happy and well-adjusted puppy.

How do I choose the right crate size for my Goldendoodle?

It is recommended to use a crate with a divider for goldendoodle puppies. This allows you to adjust the size as your puppy grows. The crate should provide enough space for them to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, but not too much room for a potty corner. The recommended crate sizes for Goldendoodles are 24″ for petite Goldendoodles, 30″ for mini Goldendoodles, and 36-42″ for medium and standard Goldendoodles.

What are the essential steps in crate training a Goldendoodle?

The key to successful crate training is to start early and be consistent. Make the crate a positive space by filling it with toys and comfort items, and use treats and praise to reward your Goldendoodle for entering the crate. Start with short periods of crate time and gradually increase the duration. Always take your puppy outside to potty before crating and provide regular potty breaks. It’s important to avoid using the crate as a form of punishment and to create positive associations.

How can I make the crate comfortable for my Goldendoodle?

Add a blanket or towel and some toys inside to make the crate a comfortable space. This will help them feel secure and occupied while in the crate. Rotate the toys to keep them engaged and prevent boredom. Gradually introduce the crate to your puppy and use special treats and positive reinforcement to encourage them to enter. Be patient and consistent throughout the process.

How do I establish a crate schedule for my Goldendoodle?

Consistency is vital when it comes to crate training. Establish a schedule for crate confinement times and incorporate it into your daily routine. Start with short periods of crate time and gradually increase it. Provide regular potty breaks and avoid leaving your puppy in the crate for extended periods. This will help your Goldendoodle understand when it’s crate time and create a sense of predictability.

What is the relationship between potty training and crate training?

Crate training aids in potty training by teaching your Goldendoodle to hold its bladder and bowels. Take them outside for a potty break before crating them and be consistent with your cues and commands. Use positive reinforcement and praise when they go potty outside. Accidents may happen, but staying patient and persistent in the training process is essential.

How do I gradually introduce the crate to my Goldendoodle?

Gradually introduce the crate by placing it in a familiar area of your house. Leave the door open so they can explore it on their terms. Use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage them to enter the crate. Establish a command word or phrase to associate with entering the crate. Be patient and consistent as your puppy becomes more comfortable with the crate.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in crate training?

Some common mistakes to avoid in crate training include using the crate as punishment, raising your voice, or banging on the crate while your puppy is inside, and not giving them their own space. Regular and consistent crate sessions, with and without your presence, help your Goldendoodle become comfortable and accepting of confinement.

How can I train my Goldendoodle to respond to a bell?

Teaching your Goldendoodle to associate a bell with going outside can be a helpful tool in crate training. Hang the bell on the door you use to let your puppy out and ring it with their paw every time you take them outside. Use specific cues and commands to establish the connection between going potty and the bell. Consistency and positive reinforcement are essential in this process.

What should I keep in mind throughout goldendoodle crate training?

Goldendoodle crate training can be a valuable tool in potty training and creating a safe space for your dog. Follow the dos and don’ts of crate training, provide a comfortable and inviting crate, and be consistent and patient throughout the process. Use positive reinforcement, avoid punishment, and make crate time a positive and enjoyable experience for your furry friend.